Orientation and Observation

Journal per Week

My Best Internship Experience in USC, Cebu City, Philippines

Welcome to the Philippines

Mabuhay Philippines! Hello. Kamusta ka karon? This is my second time I went to aboard with friend and there’ s no family but this is new experiences that I have to choose for making a challenge to my self. Why? ..Because I want to know and learn many things. Yeahh I am here in Philippines for the exchange program of SEAMEO in Cebu City in USC (University of San Carlos) . I will stay in Cebu City for 1 month. I landed in Mactan at 2 pm o'clock, and really tired. Because we had transited in Singapore for 4 hours, and that really interesting and tired. We spend our time for the flight from Palembang-Singapore-Mactan 11 hours. When we arrived to Mactan we had picked up by Mrs. Rita May Tagalog to go to Cebu City. And we arrived in Cebu City at 8 am, after that we have to go to our dorm early for the orientation. In the dorm we took bath and prepare our self for the orientation. 


1. Diary of Experience 

           § Week 1 Orientation and Observation 

On  January 7, 2019 morning Cebu City, all students of SEA Teacher Batch7th program did orientation in administrative building, University of San Carlos.

On Thursday 8 January, 2019 we attended the orientation come from USC-BED-SC. The principal gave us information how teaching system in USC. 

After that, I met my Cooperating teacher Maam Ramos, she teaches English for three classes, they are 4 charity, 4 faith, and 4 hope. I followed Maam Ramos to class and sit in the back during the observation. I did my observation for 1 week.




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